The increasing numbers of satellites could create additional orbital debris, which complicates satellite operations. 来自卫星的太阳光反射和无线电传输可能会干扰望远镜, which could make it more difficult for astronomers to assess risks...
政府问责局建议联邦通信委员会审查并记录大型卫星星座的许可是否通常不会对环境产生重大影响. … FCC agreed with our recommendations.
Growing swarms of spacecraft in orbit are outshining the stars, and scientists fear no one will do anything to stop it.
Ross & Jones. "Implications of a growing spaceflight industry: Climate change."
取决于再入卫星的物质在大气中的停留时间, 每一个巨型星座都会产生细小的颗粒,可能会大大超过高海拔大气中铝沉积的自然形式...
我们面临着一场生存危机:太空正面临着发展成海洋“塑料漂流岛”的风险.” Air, space, 由数千颗卫星组成的新“巨型星座”的发射造成了光污染,这对环境构成了迫在眉睫的威胁...
Mehlman, Janka, and Sturza. “Averting Environmental Risks in the New Space Age.” Day One Project.
Venkatesan, Lowenthal, Prem, & Vidaurri. “卫星星座对作为祖先的全球公地的空间的影响.” Nature.
With sufficient numbers of bright satellites, 这些利益攸关方也可能受到影响,应在继续部署LEOsat时将其纳入审议.
In the absence of proper oversight, 当巨型星座大量重新进入大气层时,对我们的环境构成直接威胁.
Letter from U.S. Rep. Mark Levin (D-CA) to Acting FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel
...天文学家担心向太空发射数千颗明亮的卫星, as the FCC has approved doing, will interfere with their scientific research.
...proposed satellites will dump mil数以百万计的污染物进入大气,对太空和地面的环境造成重大影响.
数以千计的小卫星正被发射到太空的“较低轨道”... 大气科学家越来越担心它们可能会损害保护地球生命免受太阳辐射危害的臭氧层.
Thousands of satellites are launched into low orbit. It could harm the ozone layer.
The impact of satellite trails on Hubble Space Telescope observations
[I]t is hard to imagine anything better designed to foul up the night sky. 这些卫星可以像你用肉眼看到的星星一样明亮, and once the scheme is complete, there will be many more satellites than stars.
In early 2020, it was suggested that this alteration of the night, both for astronomy and the general public, might be in breach of U.S. environmental law, specifically the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Forbes: Is SpaceX’s Starlink Mega Constellation An Environmental Problem? The FCC Says ‘No’
This orbital refuse doesn’t just create navigation hazards for astronauts, it also reflects sunlight down to the surface, interfering with ground-based telescope observation...
“I was really horrified to see that number. 对于北美和欧洲的大多数人来说,你可能会看到更多的卫星而不是星星. I can’t imagine my kids growing up with that.”
“The issue of mega-constellations in astronomy is a serious issue,” said Patrick Seitzer, 他是安娜堡密歇根大学研究轨道碎片的天体物理学家...
Science News: New fleets of private satellites are clogging the night sky
However, critics have warned that the Starlink project, and others like it, 会导致光污染——以在地球上已经可以观察到的条纹的形式.
Daily Mail: SpaceX files paperwork for 30,为了高速互联网,再增加1000颗星链卫星——人们担心这些卫星会在夜空中乱扔垃圾,使观星成为不可能
如果没有重大的、迅速的、大规模的行动,夜空可能会永远改变. Here’s what we can do about it.
How To Save The Night Sky From Satellite Megaconstellations, Forbes
这种效果与地面上的灯和其他夜间光源造成的光污染相似, which effectively wash out the visual contrast of the night sky, making fainter astronomy targets more difficult to see.
But the astronomical community, 它花了几十年的时间设计和制造灵敏的光学设备,以捕捉到来自银河系内外最微弱的微光, sees the same sight as a menacing threat to their enterprise.
SpaceX’s cheap internet could cost us the night sky, Popular Science
When we launch dozens of satellites every few weeks, 我们消除了环境告知我们行为的统一后果的能力,我们无法制造出动态平衡状态的实际情况.
The Case for Space Environmentalis, Andy Lawrence